Work from Home, a Need or Social Obligation?

With the arrival of the pandemic, TycheTools had a clear priority to protect its team members by betting on remote work, relying on the capabilities and responsibility of all with the aim of continuing to serve the market from anywhere in a complicated time, where more than ever, critical infrastructures could not fail.

TycheTools avoids its own carbon dioxide emissions outdoors.

Today, looking back a year, we can conclude that the remote or hybrid working model works in most cases, that the team continues to fight with even more drive.

But when we look at the numbers and the impact that TycheTools' decision has had on the planet we live in, it reaffirms that this modality is here to stay, not out of necessity but out of obligation and corporate commitment to the environment.

TycheTools has made an estimate and concluded that it has avoided discharging almost 15 tonnes of CO2 into the environment. Without a doubt, working from home is the best recipe against climate change.

TycheTools not only helps you to control your CO2 levels and indoor environmental conditions, but also avoids its own carbon dioxide emissions outdoors.

Joaquín Rodriguez


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