Ventilation Beyond the COVID Era

That COVID is a virus that is mainly transmitted indoors, that it is spread through aerosols and that control of CO2 concentration and ventilation is vital to mitigate the risk of infection is something that should be clear to us by now and is clearly detailed in the recommendations of the Ministry for Ecological Transformation on the operation and maintenance of air-conditioning and ventilation systems in buildings and premises for the prevention of the spread of SARS-COV-2.

But is ventilation only necessary in times of pandemic?

Ventilating interiors has an important public health mission to ensure efficient air renewal without increasing the electricity bill.

Scientific studies affirm that good indoor air quality makes us healthier and improves human cognitive ability. It has been shown that the transport of aerosols with any virus (not exclusive to SARS-COV-2) is affected by the physio-chemical properties of the aerosols themselves and by environmental factors, including temperature, CO2 concentration, relative humidity or ultraviolet radiation.

In indoor public spaces such as schools, offices or in our own homes, with concentrations above 800 ppm of CO₂ (0.08%), symptoms of fatigue, headaches, increased respiratory rate and reduced performance appear. Various studies place the comfort limit at 1500 ppm, above this value for a prolonged period of time the effects increase considerably, and the loss of performance is direct.

Ventilating interiors has an important public health mission to ensure efficient air renewal without increasing the electricity bill. This requires intelligent ventilation using advanced methodologies. (Machine Learning, AI).

The need for indoor ventilation is not exclusive to this pandemic; it is effective in any viral epidemic with a risk of airborne contagion (influenza). In workplaces it improves the performance of team members and in shops it improves the mental and physical comfort of customers by facilitating shopping, in schools it improves the performance of students by reducing cognitive fatigue time.

TycheTools has designed the perfect tool to help you overcome this challenge successfully, a technologically advanced tool, immediately deployable whatever the capacity of the premises or building, wireless, with individualised dashboards in the cloud that will clearly indicate the alerts, how and when to act, simple and effective.

What are we waiting for?

Joaquín Rodriguez


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